King iOS PUBG Hack All Version Direct Download Link Updated

King iOS Download
- Do not ADS at enemies who are invisible or behind cover repeatedly.
- Do not repeatedly hit enemies that are otherwise invisible (inside bushes, long grass or smokes).
- Do not keep looking at the invisible enemies rendered on your ESP directly. Check out enemy positions using the ‘eye’ button.
- Avoid travelling directly to distant enemies. Rotate into position as a normal, legitimate player would.
- Avoid throwing exact grenades ALL the time. It’s hard to both time and place grenades perfectly, so doing it consistently every single time is highly suspicious.
- Avoid disclosing cheat usage to your teammates. Teammate reports are almost certain to put your account under review.
- Do not kill every bot that get’s rendered on your ESP. While we understand that maintaining K/D is important, killing bots indiscriminately is one of the highest reasons for player bans right now. ONLY KILL BOTS THAT COME TO YOU NATURALLY. It is recommended that you let the bot fire first before knocking it down.
- Do not kill too many enemies in a very short amount of time. NEW BAN OBSERVED IN BGMI 🇮🇳
- BANNED AFTER LOGGING IN / ON LANDING – Either your IP or your device have been blacklisted/hardware banned. Change your IP by rebooting your modem or router (Cellular users can turn on airplane mode and turn it off again to cycle their IP). In case your device has been hardware banned, FACTORY RESETTING it is THE ONLY WAY to make sure it’s safe to play again.
- BANNED AFTER LANDING AND KILLING A BOT – Triggered by server side gameplay analysis. Player has probably already been banned, the kill triggers the RPC that brings up the ban message.
- BANNED TOWARDS THE END OF THE MATCH – Mostly caused by hyper aggressive gameplay showcasing cheat usage that is evident beyond reasonable doubt.
- KingiOS BGMI Lite 3.6 v3 Direct Link
- KingiOS GL Lite 3.6 v3 Direct Link
- KingiOS VNG Lite 3.6 v3 Direct Link
- KingiOS BGMI Full 3.6 v3 direct link
- KingiOS GL Full 3.6 v3 direct link
- KingiOS GL ESP 3.6 v3 direct link
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